

21 June 2024

Naming ceremony for innovative dry goods vessel: “Helios” benefits from having the world’s largest solar module structure on board an inland waterway vessel

14 June 2024

Andreas Bögner becomes port manager: BUSS HGK appoints a new managing director in Duisburg

4 June 2024

Florian Bleikamp strengthens the management team at HGK Dry Shipping

2 May 2024

Maria Schippers strengthens HGK Shipping's growth ambitions in a new position

22 April 2024

HGK Shipping launches its Belgian business under a new flag

17 April 2024

Future-oriented pioneering project in inland waterway shipping: HGK Shipping develops Europe’s first gas tanker for transporting cold liquefied ammonia and LCO2

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9 February 2024

Innovative and eco-friendly: HGK Gas Shipping puts a new fleet highlight, the “GAS 95”, into service on the river Rhine

7 December 2023

Charter agreement signed for the “GAS 96”: HGK Shipping will put the vessel into service for LyondellBasell from 2025 onwards

17 November 2023

HGK Shipping places the order for a sustainable dry goods vessel for Salzgitter Flachstahl

6 November 2023

HGK Shipping and Salzgitter Flachstahl sign a time charter agreement to increase their logistics operations on inland waterways

25 October 2023

HGK Shipping acquires the tank container logistics business of Köppen GmbH

08 March 2023

Future-Fuel-Ready: Covestro and HGK Shipping success-fully put new low-water vessel "COURAGE" into service

15 December 2022

HGK Shipping strengthens its Dry Shipping activities by acquiring BeKa HGK GmbH

22 November 2022

Wijgula can now officially call itself a “Royal” company

26 September 2022

A German initiative launched for remote-controlled inland waterway shipping: SEAFAR cooperates with HGK Shipping and Reederei Deymann en route to a (partially) automated future

16 June 2022

Naming ceremony for new innovative member of the HGK Shipping fleet

14 February 2022

Change to the management team at HGK Dry Shipping: Joachim Holstein stepped down from the management board.

10 February 2022

HGK Shipping orders another innovative gas tanker for its special fleet

17 January 2022

NVG Managing Director Uwe Öhlmann retires

1 December 2021

Susanne Kluthe becomes Head of Human Resources at HGK Shipping GmbH

1 October 2021

HGK Shipping and BASF commission innovative gas tanker

1 July 2021

David Penschek becomes Head of Corporate Development at HGK Shipping GmbH

6 April 2021

Change in the spc Executive Board: Knut Sander hands over the office of CEO

30 March 2021

Continuing the “Innovation & Sustainability” Initiative: HGK Shipping places an order for the construction of a state-of-the-art Type C tanker